
Sedimentation Tank Refurbishment, ETP Carrum Downs

Aqua Metro Services Pty Ltd
Carrum Downs VIC
Oct 2018 to May 2019

Sedimentation Tank Refurbishment, ETP Carrum Downs


Secondary sedimentation tanks 17 & 18 at the Eastern Treatment Plant had experienced significant cement loss to the original uncoated concrete tank walls and all joint sealant had become defective.

Freyssinet identified the potential for asbestos in the original joint sealant and, prior to starting works, were able to optimise works to allow for the removal of the asbestos whilst maintaining program. The project involved life extension repairs, including concrete repair, coating, joint replacement and sealer.

Freyssinet Technical Services also carried out a condition assessment of steel structures providing the client with a comprehensive asset management plan.

Key Aspects: 
Removal of defective concrete via Ultra High Pressure (UHP) water jetting to the tank shell across 1,800m2.
Concrete repairs to tank shell and application of 1,800m2 Ultra High Build (UHB) epoxy to tank walls. Despite the UHB epoxy being applied in high temperatures, a good quality finish was maintained.
1.4km of joints were replaced.
2,400m2 of penetrative concrete sealer was applied.