
Camden Park Reservoir – Roof Renewal & Relining

Sydney Water
Sydney NSW
Apr 2017 to Oct 2017

Camden Park Reservoir – Roof Renewal & Relining


The Camden Park Reservoir (WS0298) was built in 1977 as part of the Macarthur water system. The storage capacity of the reservoir is 10.1ML. The reservoir encompassed a diameter of 36m, height of 20m and is considered a ‘’standpipe’’ type on-ground reservoir. The internal bitumen lining had deteriorated and was failing to provide adequate protection to the steel wall of this reservoir. Removal of bitumen lining within water reservoirs is a key driver for Sydney Water. The poor condition of the roof also meant that it needed to be replaced.

Key Aspects: 
Due to the high level of corrosion/damage to the roof structure and walls, Freyssinet Australia was engaged to perform roof renewal and relining works.
The project consisted of the demolition of the existing roof and installation of a new aluminium ‘Alspan’ roof, supported on an aluminium grid structure, in addition to the removal of existing bitumen lining and replacement with a new epoxy lining system.
Other minor items included renewal of existing security, CP and ICATTs, as well as installation of an HDPE screen around the inlet and HEN nozzle on the inlet main, and refurbishment of the mixer.
Structural repairs were carried on the wall strakes, by way of banding the top strake; approximately 50% of the circumference.