
Appin Manhole Lining

Priority Sewerage Program Alliance
Sydney NSW
Dec 2011 to Apr 2012

Appin Manhole Lining


After discussion with Priority Sewerage Program (PSP) Alliance, it was decided that it would be more beneficial to prepare and coat the manholes offsite prior to installation into final location. This solution reduced the time required to be spent working in a confined space, creating less risk for Freyssinet Australia workers and providing a financial benefit to the client.

With this methodology, our site crew had avoided the risk of pinholes within the coating which is a typical challenge for this kind of application, due to temperate conditions. Installation of the joints between each precast segment was done once the manholes were completely installed.


Key Aspects: 
Epoxy lining of 4 sewer manholes.
Transport of precast manhole segments to and from the site.
Surface preparation of concrete.
Non-destructive testing.