
Port of Newcastle Dyke 1 & 2 Remediation

Port of Newcastle
Newcastle NSW
Royal Haskoning
Sep 2016 to Jul 2017

Port of Newcastle Dyke 1 & 2 Remediation


The Port of Newcastle (PON) is one of Australia’s largest and most diverse ports. A major trade and logistic hub that handles a diverse range of cargo types including dry bulk, bulk liquids and containers. PON manages 20 berths within the Newcastle Harbour precinct operating 24/7. PON identified the need for significant remediation to their breasting dolphins at Dykes 1 & 2. The repair works predominantly comprised concrete repairs and crack injection to the sides of the dolphins.

In August 2016, PON awarded a contract to Freyssinet Australia with a scope of works requiring repairs to the dolphins at each dyke. The dolphin structures comprised reinforced concrete caps over closely spaced vertical and raking steel piles. The total concrete repair area was 325m2 with sacroiliac galvanic anodes installed, and 234Lm of crack injection was also undertaken.


Key Aspects: 
Due to the inconsistent and closely spaced pile configuration, project-specific modular access platforms were designed and supplied by Freyssinet. These facilitated ease of installation and flexibility with accessing random repair locations.
Working around daily shipping schedules at the berths while maintaining productivity and eliminating disruption to the client’s shipping operation including fuel vessel discharge.
Utilisation of hydro demolition for concrete breakout while maintaining environment controls necessary when working in the Newcastle Harbour.
Reinstatement of the concrete breakout was performed using dry spray shotcreting.
Nil MTI / LTI’s on the project, which was an outstanding outcome considering the challenges for the work crew operating on platforms in wet and dry suits immersed to chest height over the course of the project.