
Bayswater Power Station Conveyor Belt

AGL Macquarie
Muswellbrook NSW
Jul 2018 to Aug 2018

Bayswater Power Station Conveyor Belt


Conveyors 3A and 3B are the two incline conveyors that supply all coal to Bayswater Power Station. The conveyors were originally commissioned in the 1980s. The conveyors are regularly washed down by maintenance staff to remove coal fines that have dropped from the return side of the conveyor belt. These fines need to be removed to mitigate potential for fire and provide safe access for conveyor inspections. The conveyor belt had floor joints that were deteriorated and required extensive remediation repairs. Freyssinet Australia was engaged by AGL Macquarie to complete joint repair works at the conveyor belt located at AGL.


Key Aspects: 
Freyssinet’s role was to provide AGL Macquarie with a specialist team to complete joint repair works to the conveyor belt located at Bayswater.
A wash down of the incline section of the conveyor was undertaken, to remove existing concrete expansion joint material: a total of 44 joints repaired, 22 each on conveyors 3A and 3B.
Installation of expansion joint seal using a Combiflex 100mm/150mm system.
Installation of an aluminium cover plate over the expansion joint (which was difficult as the conveyor belt was extremely inclined).