
Cobar Ore Bin No.4 Repairs

Cobar Management Pty Ltd
Cobar NSW
YENEM Engineering services
Aug 2018

Cobar Ore Bin No.4 Repairs


Cobar Management advised that a previously planned major structural overhaul of the ore bins had been put on hold for 3 years and as such, CSA required Freyssinet Australia to perform short-term repairs to the 76 medium-risk items listed in the provided Yenem Engineering Report CSAASAA-REP-213.

The short-term objective was to seal the existing concrete cracks to prevent further reinforcement corrosion and repair the existing spalled concrete areas as identified in the report, to prevent safety issues from falling debris and reinforcement corrosion.

The repairs were to be conducted to maintain structural integrity for a period of 3 years. The crack and spalled repairs were to be stripped out and replaced, with a major structural bin overhaul to the bin’s concrete shell.

The scope was then changed, and the CSA’s focus was then only on Ore Bin No 4. Additionally, the timeline for the proposed major structural upgrade to the four bins was reduced to 18 months.


Key Aspects: 
Freyssinet Australia’s role was to provide CSA with a specialist team to complete concrete repair and crack repairs to the Ore Bin No.4.
The access was to be via EWP Knuckle Boom Lifts and in specific locations, rope access technicians were engaged.
Freyssinet completed the following activities in extreme temperatures and heat located in inner NSW: jackhammer defective concrete from EWP; steel augmentation from EWP; guncrete repair locations from EWP; and crack injection works from EWP.
The method of works was changed when onsite due to the amount of additional repairs on the ore bin. The main change was from the planned hand-patching of repair locations to guncreting, which increased productivity and completed more repairs within the required timeframe.