
259 Queen Street Brisbane

Brisbane QLD
Core Project Consulting TSA Project Management
Nov 2018 to Aug 2020

259 Queen Street Brisbane


The property, located at 259 Queen Street in Brisbane, is a multi-use development, incorporating a complex volumetric title delineating building ownership. Following systematic failure of the north-east ACP cladding elevation, intrusive investigation works were undertaken, along with the introduction of make safe/access systems. The removal and replacement of ACP cladding is the principal objective within the scope of works. Additional scope elements pertain to the remediation of the internal ‘hebel’ wall system. Technical specifications were prepared as the scope of works and methodologies for remedial façade works became evident.

Freyssinet Australia was engaged to ensure that the project was considered holistically to ensure each relevant section was completed so as not to have a negative impact on subsequent works.


Key Aspects: 
Design development of specialist access systems.
Destructive investigations to determine construction arrangements.
ACP replacement methodology.
Hebel wall strengthening options and implementation.
ACP product replacement process, including procurement, fabrication and installation.