Roden Cutler House Façade Remediation Works
Roden Cutler House Façade Remediation Works
Roden Cutler House is a hHigh rise commercial tower situated in Haymarket, Sydney with abutting commercial properties Metro and the Meriton Hhotel at the east and western building elevations. Across from the main street entrance occupies is Sydney’s Capitol Theatre. Roden Cutler House consists of 19 floors, primarily office/ commercial space with an aAntenna height of 142m from street level.
The building is owned by Ausgrid and the lower 4 floors house the cCity’s sSouth electrical substation. The building façade was inspected by technical consultant Arcadis whom wrote a report on the repair and improvement of the façcade. Following their inspection, subsequent safety hazards were highlighted by Arcadis to remove pieces of spalling concrete considered at risk of detaching from the building. Therefore, conventional repairs and protective coatings were selected as being technically appropriate to provide a long-term repair.