Water Tank

Water Tank

We implement technically and economically competitive solutions that contribute to the success of your project.

Freyssinet offers integrated solutions from feasibility studies to construction, such as:

  • Design and engineering.
  • Construction methods.
  • Material and equipment supply.
  • Technical assistance and works implementation.

Our applications include:

  • Waste water treatment plant, such as clarifier, settlement tank and oxidation ditches.
  • Water storage, such as potable water reservoirs, elevated reservoir and fire storage.
  • Desalination plant, such as clear water storage.

The advantages of post-tensioned concrete tanks for water application are:

  • Adaptability: different shapes (rectangular, circular, elliptical), above ground or buried, pre-cast on or off site, cast-in-situ.
  • Economic: reduced concrete and reinforcement quantity in comparison to traditional reinforced concrete.
  • Watertight: permanent residual compression.
  • Durability: crack free, less joints, reduced maintenance in comparison to steel tank, no coatings.

Freyssinet prestressing and anchorages are widely respected for their outstanding performance and durability, achieved by controlling the production of their components. Our range includes:

  • Freyssinet S Range system: used for orthogonal post-tensioning in slabs and for vertical post-tensioning in walls.
  • Freyssinet C Range system: used for horizontal post-tensioning in walls.